Sunday, April 17, 2011


Bom Cafe, Cambridge Street, Cambridge.
* address:  in Inman Square,  Bom Cafe, 1093 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02139.
* commentary:
* map  <-- click here for google map link
* what's special about it?   it's a Brazilian breakfast cafe !

pluses:  cheese bread, came out warm.  yum.    a second treat, freshly made: looked like chicen croquette but with cheese and nice crispy outside (sorry, it disappeared before we could capture it on video).   Olive and cheese omlet, and two ham, pepper, onion, cheese omlets.  Yucca home fries - (needs salt).   maybe suggest that the edges be crisped up on the griddle ?  yucca is an interesting and delicious variant on the old time potato based home fries.

Outside, and elsewhere in town, a display of birds.  See for background on art representation of bird and human migration.    Look!  Up in the air!  it's a bird!  It's a plane!

Followed by a "hat trick" (extracted short definition from wikipedia: A hat-trick or hat trick in sport is the achievement of a positive feat three times.) of bird, crane, and peacock how-to videos:

---1) start with traditional flapping bird---

---2) classic "crane" (but it no longer flaps its wings)---

---3) advanced peacock--- the process of pushing the pyramid down into the center is often called creating the "sink", or "sinking the pyramid".
