Friday, July 12, 2013

Karl's Sausage

Karl's Sausage 
978-854-6650  One Bourbon StreetPeabody, MA 01960
Hours (check website, hours change with seasons)
Mon-Thu 9-6
Fri 9-7
Sat 9-6
Sun 11-6

North on Rt1 from 128/95, Lowell Street to Bourbon St - look for the sign below, behind the DD.
Sandwiches and entrees under $10, some just over.
Friendly service.   Great store too, sausages, hams, helpful service.  I brought home some for the grill.
Beer on tap, Radeberger

 Radeberger on tap !   Who knew beers were named for you !
 German style curry ketchup !

 Weisswurst, Hungarian paprika, and ..

Sacher Torte, Cointreau cake, streudel